Once you find a comm tower and listen to Deep Voice, You will get a assassination contract. Now, these would be simple if it weren't for one thing. The main problem is that your targets will mostly be inside the cease-fire zone.
Far Cry 2 is a continuation of the original Far Cry. The game offers an open experience. Players can ally themselves with one or more factions and advance in the world of the game and missions to their liking, which results in a non-linear game style, commonly called sandbox mode, which allows the player to progress to your rhythm and in time. Far Cry 2 - You are a gun for hire, trapped in a war-torn African state, stricken with malaria and forced to make deals with corrupt warlords on both sides of the conflict in order to make this country your home. You must identify and exploit your enemies' weaknesses, neutralizing their superior numbers and firepower with surprise, subversion, cunning and of course brute force.
You must plan these strikes, or you will get mowed down by both sides.Tips:1. Don't go up high. This not only makes you a better target, but you must enter a building to go up, hence cutting off your escape rout.2. Never strike from inside a building. Same reason as before.
Far Cry 2 Golden Guns Youtube
If the target is in a building, snipe though the window.3. Use your bolt holes. These are the small holes in the fences that can be used as a quick escape and a stealthy approach in.4.
USE the bus station. Parrot security os book pdf. After the job is done, you will have more angry goons after you then STDs in this country.
The bus station throws you on the other side of the map, making it impossible to be traced. Try to stay close to them when you take the shot.5. You are going to draw enough attention when you fire a gun. Use silenced weapons. Mainly the Dart Rifle. And don't miss!6. Don't be a hero.
Far Cry 2 Weapon Guide
Go in, Take the shot, get out. Do nothing else!7. Set up for a good show.
Observe your target, observe the area, Use cars to block the ally ways to your target to stop the goon squad. Don't block your bolt holes. Then cover your tracks by using pre placed IEDs to blow up the cars so no LMGs for the baddies.8.against the middle (20)Switch sides in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory.and demand. (20)Unlock all weapons by hitting every Convoy.into the fire.
We've had reports that these cheats don't work for a lot of people, if anyone is having success with getting these cheats to work, please let us know here:-Create a shortcut on your desktop to your Far Cry 2 executable which is found in '/Program Files/Ubisoft/Far Cry 2/bin/farcry2.exe'. Then add any of the cheats below to the shortcut and start the game to activate them. We've had reports that these cheats don't work for a lot of people, if anyone is having success with getting these cheats to work, please let us know here:-Start the game with the '-DEVMODE' command line parameter and then during gameplay press the following keys to activate the corresponding effect. When you play in this mode ALL the levels are unlocked.Unlock ALL Weapons: PUnlock 999 Ammunition: O (Character)Toggle 1st and 3rd views: F1Advance To Next Checkpoint: F2Spawn Point: F3Toggle No Clipping: F4Return To Default Speed: F5Save Current Position: F9Load current position: F10Toggle Extra Information: F11Toggle Invincibility: (Backspace)Increase Speed: = (Equals)Decrease Speed: - (Minus).